Thursday 8 April 2021

Reading task free juice.

Task Description. In My Reading this book it call free juice there were two boys then this book they were going to go and stole juice from the storeroom lot of children came and took the juice and Luke took two cartons of juice and drink it but Jake didn't drink his juice because his stomach felt funny so he didn't drink his then Luke told Jake if they can play tag but Jake said no because his stomach went even more worse so he went and set under a tree then he went to class to go and but the juice in his schoolbag but he got nervous when he got to Mr Renata his face was red and hot but he told Mr Renata he did something stupid he gave the juice to Mr Renata and told to go and give it back to the storeroom then the bell rang the kids came inside then Mrs strong came in the classroom she said can I have a word with our class she said some cartons of juice are all gone it was going to be for the sports day but Mr Renata told Mrs strong that some one has done the right thing he gave the juice back to the storeroom.


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