Friday 25 October 2019

Today I feel happy

Today I feel happy because I have new clothes at home from my mum she is kind to me and my Nana 

is kind too now I have a purple Tshirt I am going to wear it tomorrow for loud shirt day.

Immersion Assembly

This morning the whole school went to the hall to have lmmersion  Assembly.

lmmersion Assembly happens on the first day of each team to show what each team is doing for In quiry

that team I walk into the hall and I saw Mr Burt

like a clown and Mr Jacobsen told us a story about 

eis kind eis chew then team1 Teacher went first then 

I saw Cinderella’s show and it was Bode the show and 

it was team2 toun and team2 Teacher went up on the 

stage and Mr Gaston was wearing a mask and Mrs carter was wearing a Mask and miss Moran was a 

girl superhero and Ms Teleso was a Dinosaur and it

was team3 toun and the movie was stop think and do.It was Team 4’s turn and the team 4 Teacher went 

up on the stage and the Teacher with  dressing up like 

A toy shop and it was team 5 turn and they did a dance.